Directions: To make sure you are responding to a variety of questions, choose at least one question from each column (category) and row (point value) until you have reached your point goal for this round. Click in the circles next to the questions to make your selections. These questions will then be temporarily unavailable to others.



Q #1 Toni Morisson

Toni Morrison is an African American author. Identify the awards she has won for her writing and name one of her 21st century novels.

Q #2 Women's Suffrage

Women’s struggle for suffrage ended in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Define “suffrage.”

Q #3 Cabinet Members

Between 1933 and 2014, forty-seven women have held cabinet-level positions in the United States government. Identify a current female cabinet member and her title.

Q #4 Regina Benjamin

Regina Benjamin is a female physician. Identify and describe the government position she held from 2009-2013.

Q #5 CJ Walker

Madam C.J. Walker (also known as Sarah Breedlove) was an American businesswoman. Identify the achievement that earned her a Guinness World Record.

Q #6 Juliette Gordon Low

Juliette Gordon Low was honored with a U.S. postage stamp in 1948. Identify the organization she founded and its motto.

Q #7 Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep has appeared in over 70 stage and screen productions and is considered one of the greatest actresses of all time. Identify the two colleges she attended and the degrees she earned.

Q #8 Rosie the Riveter

Rosie the Riveter was a widely recognized cultural icon during WWII. Identify what she represented.

Q #9 Josephine Cochrane

Josephine Cochrane created an appliance that helped clean-up American homes. Identify her invention.

Q #10 Mildred "Babe" Zharias

Mildred “Babe” (Didrikson) Zaharias was a versatile female athlete. Identify the amateur and professional sports in which she competed.


Q #1 Mary McLeod Bethune

Mary McLeod Bethune was born the child of slaves. Identify her vocation and describe one way she helped promote equality for African Americans.

Q #2 Elizabeth Blackwell

Elizabeth Blackwell made a significant impact on the medical profession. Describe one of her career accomplishments.

Q #3 Betty Ford

Betty Ford was first lady of the United States from 1974-1977. Explain how she used her personal experiences to help others.

Q #4 Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball was a very successful comedienne. Describe two of her other accomplishments.

Q #5 Josephine Esther Mentzer

Josephine Esther Mentzer was a businesswoman known by another name. Identify her and the industries she was a part of. Explain one of her business philosophies.

Q #6 Dr. Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane Goodall is a primatologist, ethologist, and anthropologist. Identify the subject of her research and describe two of her accomplishments.

Q #7 Alice Walker

Alice Walker is an American novelist and poet. Identify what she is best known for and explain how her life influenced her work.


The formation of the WNBA made sports history. Explain the importance of this sports organization and list two of its present-day teams.

Q #9 Female Inventors

Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Choose a female inventor and describe her work.

Q #10 Nellie Bly

Nellie Bly made daring sacrifices to help others. Identify her profession and describe one thing she did to promote social and political reform.


Q #1 Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange was a photojournalist. Summarize her life and career.

Q #2 Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori was a feminist and scholar who made a significant impact on both medicine and education. Summarize her education and career.

Q #3 Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful businesswomen in American history. Summarize her life and career.

Q #4 Mia Hamm

Mia Hamm became well known as a professional soccer player. Summarize her life and contributions to the sport.

Q #5 Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was an American abolitionist. Summarize her life and accomplishments.

Q #6 Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is an award winning actress and humanitarian. Summarize her charitable efforts.

Q #7 Anne Frank

Anne Frank became famous for her diary. Describe her life and summarize her writings.

Q #8 First Ladies

Throughout history, the first ladies of the United States have been assets to their husbands’ administrations. Summarize the life and role of a current or former first lady.

Q #9 Women in the Labor Force

The role of American women in the labor force has changed dramatically over time. Summarize women’s activity in the labor force from the 1700s until today.

Q #10 Marie Curie

Madame Marie Curie earned acclaim in the field of science. Summarize her accomplishments.


Q #1 Clara Barton & Florence Nightingale

Clara Barton and Florence Nightingale were both medical professionals. Compare and contrast their lives and accomplishments.

Q #2 Women's Rights

The rights granted to women vary between different countries and cultures. Compare and contrast the rights of women in the United States to the rights of women in Afghanistan.

Q #3 Sacagawea & Pocahontas

Sacagawea and Pocahontas were Native American women who played an important role in American history. Compare and contrast their contributions.

Q #4 Helen Keller & Marlee Matlin

Helen Keller and Marlee Matlin both overcame disabilities to do great things. Compare and contrast their limitations and triumphs.

Q #5 Women who lead Fortune 500 Companies

In recent years, the number of females leading Fortune 500 companies has increased dramatically. Choose two women from this group. Compare and contrast their educations, professional roles, and personal lives.

Q #6 Amelia Earhart & Sally Ride

Amelia Earhart and Sally Ride were both important figures in the field of aviation. Compare and contrast their aeronautical feats.

Q #7 Female Authors

Many women have made significant contributions to literature. Choose two contemporary female authors. Compare and contrast their best-selling books.

Q #8 Mary Lou Retton & Dominique Dawes

Mary Lou Retton and Dominique Dawes are former Olympic gymnasts who represented the United States in different decades. Compare and contrast their Olympic Records and post-Olympic achievements.

Q #9 Ruth Bader Ginsburg & Sonia Sotomayor

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor are two female Supreme Court Justices who have made history. Compare and contrast their achievements.

Q #10 Lady Diana Spencer & Kate Middleton

Lady Diana Spencer and Catherine “Kate” Middleton both gained popularity when they married heirs to the British throne. Compare and contrast their royal lives and charitable efforts.


Q #1 Rachel Carson & Erin Brokovich

Rachel Carson and Erin Brokovich both used their talent and persistence to raise environmental concerns. Describe and analyze each woman’s efforts and accomplishments. In your opinion, whose work had the greatest impact? Defend your position.

Q #2 Women & Fashion

Throughout history, American women have dressed in a variety of ways. Summarize the history of women’s clothing. Describe and analyze fashion trends from the early 1900s to the present day. In your opinion, what does fashion say about women and their role in society? Defend your position.

Q #3 Hilary Rodham Clinton & Janet Napolitano

Hilary Rodham Clinton and Janet Napolitano have both broken new political ground by running for high government positions. Summarize their lives and accomplishments. Analyze their similarities. In your opinion, which of these women will make the greatest impact on politics? Defend your position.

Q #4 Julia Ward Howe & Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Julia Ward Howe and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were both involved with the Suffrage Movement of the 1800s. Describe and analyze their individual accomplishments and campaigns for women’s rights. In your opinion, which of these women most influenced their cause? Defend your position.

Q #5 Women in the Armed Forces

Women’s involvement in the U.S. Armed Forces dates back to the Revolutionary War. Summarize the history of women in the Armed Forces before and after World War II. Analyze the changes in their military roles. In your opinion, should women be allowed to participate in combat? Defend your position.

Q #6 Venus & Serena Williams

Venus and Serena Williams are sisters who play tennis. Describe and analyze each woman’s athletic career. In your opinion, would it be difficult to compete at the professional level against your sibling? Defend your position.

Q #7 Marian Wright Edelman & Dr. Etherl Andrus

Marian Wright Edelman and Dr. Ethel Andrus both established organizations, one to help the young, and the other to help the aging. Describe and analyze these women’s careers and accomplishments. In your opinion, which woman’s work has been of greater importance? Defend your position.

Q #8 Beyoncé Knowles & Taylor Swift

Beyoncé Knowles and Taylor Swift are entertainers who have used their talents to build lucrative business empires. Describe their money-making ventures. In your opinion, who will experience more success throughout her lifetime? Defend your position.

Q #9 Emily Dickinson & Maya Angelou

Emily Dickinson and Maya Angelou have been considered two of America’s best female writers. Summarize the life and career of each. Describe and analyze the poem, Hope is a Thing with Feathers by Dickinson, and the autobiography, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Angelou. In your opinion, why did both poets use bird metaphors in their writings? Defend your position.

Q #10 Barbara Walters & Katie Couric

Barbara Walters and Katie Couric are considered pioneers in journalism. Summarize the career of each. Analyze their similarities. In your opinion, what personality traits have contributed most to the success of these women? Defend your position.



Q #1 Colonies

A colony is a community. Locate the area in the United States where the thirteen original colonies were established and identify the names of two of them.

Q #2 Nationalities

America’s population is made up of people with different nationalities. Define “nationality.” Identify your nationality.

Q #3 Independence

The United States became an independent nation in 1776. Define “independent.”

Q #4 The American Flag

The American flag has thirteen stripes – seven red and six white. Identify what these represent.

Q #5 Revolution

The American Revolution occurred between 1775 and 1783. Define “revolution.”

Q #6 Civil Rights

The Civil Rights Movement helped to reduce discrimination in America. Define “civil rights.”

Q #7 Conscription

Conscription is a process that has been used by the American government. Identify its common name and define what it is.

Q #8 Amendments

As of the 21st Century, twenty-seven amendments had been made to the United States Constitution. Define “amendment.”

Q #9 Treaties

Throughout history, the United States has entered into multiple treaties with other groups, organizations, or nations. Define treaty.

Q #10 Recession & Depression

The terms recession and depression refer to the condition of a country’s economy. Define them.


Q #1 Manifest Destiny

A journalist first introduced the concept of Manifest Destiny in 1845. Explain what this phrase means.

Q #2 Space Shuttle Columbia

Among NASA’s few tragedies is the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Describe what happened during this incident. Identify two of the astronauts who lost their lives.

Q #3 Cold War

After World War II, a Cold War began between groups of Communist and non-Communist countries. Describe why it was called a Cold War. Identify two countries that were involved.

Q #4 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

In 1963, a large political rally took place in America’s capital. Describe the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and explain one of its outcomes.

Q #5 Bicentennial

The United States celebrated its bicentennial in 1976. Define bicentennial. Identify the date on which America reached this milestone and describe the events that surrounded it.

Q #6 Hoovervilles

Hoovervilles were built during the Great Depression of the early 1930s. Explain what Hoovervilles were and how they got their name.

Q #7 The 18th Amendment

Fourteen years after it was ratified, the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution was repealed. Describe this amendment and explain why it was abolished.

Q #8 The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games date back to ancient times. Identify the origin of the modern games and describe one symbol associated with them.

Q #9 President Theodore Roosevelt

Former President Theodore Roosevelt said, Speak softly and carry a big stick. Explain what he meant by this statement.

Q #10 Reconstruction

The term Reconstruction refers to the era following the Civil War. Describe one of the events that occurred during this time.


Q #1 US Westward Movement

Beginning in the 19th Century, the United States grew extensively, acquiring territories between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Summarize this westward movement.

Q #2 Ellis Island

Ellis Island had a role in the population of America. Summarize the history of this important location and describe the events that took place there.

Q #3 Lewis & Clark

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were explorers. Summarize the purpose and outcome of their expedition across North America.

Q #4 Trail of Tears

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 led to the Trail of Tears. Summarize this event.

Q #5 Secession

Abraham Lincoln’s presidency resulted in the secession of several states. Define “secede.” Summarize what happened in the secession of 1860-61.

Q #6 Panama Canal

The Panama Canal opened in 1914. Identify the location and purpose of this waterway. Summarize the United States’ role in its construction and explain why it has been considered one of the most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken.

Q #7 Roaring Twenties

The decade between 1920 and 1930 is commonly referred to as the Roaring Twenties. Summarize life in the United States during this time.

Q #8 The Korean War

The Korean War was fought between 1950 and 1953. Summarize this event, including its origin and outcomes.

Q #9 Urban Renewal

The passage of the 1954 Housing Act popularized the phrase urban renewal. Define “urban renewal” and summarize its history in the United States.

Q #10 NATO

The United States is a member of NATO. Identify the full name of this organization. Summarize its history and role, including the number of countries in its current membership.


Q #1 Attacks on America

America has survived two attacks by foreign countries. One occurred on December 7, 1941, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the second was on September 11, 2001, in New York City, New York. Compare and contrast these incidents.

Q #2 American Economic Crises

America’s economy has survived many crises. Compare and contrast the Great Depression to a recent recession.

Q #3 Plessy v Ferguson & Brown v Board of Education

Two important court cases involving civil rights were Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. the Board of Education. Compare and contrast these landmark decisions.

Q #4 Eli Whitney & Robert Fulton

Both Eli Whitney and Robert Fulton invented products that aided the United States economy during the 1800s. Compare and contrast their innovations, and describe their impact.

Q #5 Henry Jarvis Raymond & William Randolph Hearst

Henry Jarvis Raymond and William Randolph Hearst were newspaper publishers. Compare and contrast their career accomplishments and styles of journalism.

Q #6 Issues for Recent Presidents

Throughout history, the duties of the United States President have changed to accommodate a variety of political and social issues. Compare and contrast the problems faced by the two most recent Presidents.

Q #7 Gold Rush & Oregon Trail

The promise of wealth and property led to the growth of the United States during the 1800s. Compare and contrast the roles of the Gold Rush and the Oregon Trail in the country’s westward expansion.

Q #8 US Armed Forces

The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard are the five branches of the United States Armed Forces. Choose two. Compare and contrast them in terms of their histories, responsibilities, weaponry, and current number of enlistments.

Q #9 Presidential Assassinations

At the beginning of the 21st Century four United States Presidents had been assassinated. Identify them. Choose two and compare and contrast their presidencies. Describe the events leading up to their assassinations and identify the probable motivations for their murders.

Q #10 Revolutionary & Civil Wars

America has fought several important wars throughout its history. Compare and contrast the Revolutionary and Civil Wars in terms of their parties, issues, combat zones, and outcomes.


Q #1 Baseball

Baseball has long been known as America’s pastime. Summarize the origin and history of baseball in the United States. Describe and analyze changes to the sport. In your opinion, why did baseball become so popular? Has it maintained its popularity? Defend your positions.

Q #2 Families

The American family has changed significantly over time. Describe and analyze the changes in families through the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. In your opinion, which era produced the most successful families? Defend your position.

Q #3 American Assimilation & Pluralism

America’s culture has been described differently throughout history. Summarize the concepts of assimilation and pluralism as they relate to culture. Analyze the relationship between these concepts and the metaphors “Melting Pot” and “Salad Bowl.” In your opinion, which term best describes the America of today? Defend your position.

Q #4 World Wars I & II

Wars are fought for a number of reasons. Summarize World Wars I and II, identifying the countries involved and the outcomes of each. Describe and analyze the entry and role of the United States in each war. In your opinion, will there be a third World War? Defend your position.

Q #5 American Colonists & British Citizens

American colonists had many reasons for wanting their independence from Great Britain. Describe the lives of American colonists and British citizens in the early 1600s. Analyze their similarities and differences. In your opinion, were the colonists’ actions justified? Defend your position.

Q #6 Public Education

Public education is schooling provided for all children by the government. Summarize the history of public education in the United States, before and after 1800. Analyze the changes that have occurred. In your opinion, should youth in America be required to attend school? Defend your position.

Q #7 The Automobile

Once a curiosity, the automobile has become a necessity. Summarize life and transportation in America before and after its manufacture. Analyze the effects of this invention on our lifestyle, economy, and environment. In your opinion, have the benefits of the automobile outweighed its drawbacks? Defend your position.

Q #8 Television

Television was introduced to the American public in the 1920s and 1930s, and has become increasingly popular. Summarize life for Americans prior to and after the television’s debut. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of television viewing. In your opinion, could American society survive without television? Defend your position.

Q #9 Bureau of Indian Affairs

In 1758, strained relationships between white settlers and Native Americans led to the establishment of Indian reservations. Locate and describe one of the reservations that exist in the United States today. Summarize the Bureau of Indian Affair’s involvement in tribal government. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of reservations. In your opinion, what impact have reservations had on Native American culture? Defend your position.

Q #10 The Prison System

Prisons have existed in the United States for many centuries. Summarize the history of the prison system. Analyze the effect of modernday prisons on crime in America. In your opinion, has the imprisonment of criminals been effective? Defend your position.



Q #1 Rhythm

Hip Hop dance requires rhythm. Define rhythm.

Q #2 Opera

The first ever opera was performed in 1597. Define opera.

Q #3 Genre

Classical is a musical genre. Define genre.

Q #4 James Patterson

James Patterson has written or co-written 118 novels since the year 2000 and has become one of America’s most popular authors. Identify the type of literature he is best known for and the name of one of his top-selling series.

Q #5 Scuplture

Madame Tussaud became famous for her wax sculptures. Define sculpture. Identify the materials, besides wax, that can be used to make these works of art.

Q #6 Plot & Setting

Every story has a plot and a setting. Define these terms.

Q #7 Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg is a popular movie director and producer. Identify two of the movies he has directed and the years they debuted.

Q #8 Motown Records

Motown is the nickname of a U.S. city and the name of the first large, black-owned music company. Identify the location and founder of Motown Records.

Q #9 Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon is a comedian. Identify the talk show he began hosting in 2014 and the two comedians who preceded him.

Q #10 Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse has entertained people for many years. Identify the year he was created and the name of his creator.


Q #1 Samuel Clemens

Samuel Langhorne Clemens was an American author and humorist who wrote under another name. Identify his nom de plume (pen name) and the titles of his two most famous works. Describe the events that inspired his writing.

Q #2 Hollywood

Hollywood, California, has a famous sidewalk that honors celebrities. Locate and describe this tourist attraction.

Q #3 Juilliard

Juilliard is the name of a prestigious school. Identify its location. Describe the school’s purpose and programs.

Q #4 Stonehenge

Stonehenge is located in England. Describe this monument and explain why it is controversial.

Q #5 Music Videos

Music videos changed the music industry. Describe a music video and explain its purpose. Identify the first televised music video.

Q #6 Circus

A circus is an example of performance art. Describe a circus and identify the name of a famous circus company.

Q #7 Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was an American painter. Describe the art movement he was part of and two of the objects or images that appeared in his paintings.

Q #8 Motion Pictures

Motion pictures, or movies, are popular forms of entertainment. Describe what a motion picture is. Identify the name given to the first movie theater and the cost for seeing a show.

Q #9 Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell was an American painter. Identify the name of the magazine he illustrated and describe the subjects that inspired his work.

Q #10 Jazz

Jazz is a musical genre. Identify its origin and describe its characteristics, including three of the instruments used to play it.


Q #1 Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz was a popular cartoonist. Identify his most famous creation and summarize the process he may have used to illustrate a comic strip.

Q #2 Theodor Geisel

Theodor Geisel is famous for his work in children’s literature. Identify his literary name. Summarize his education and work.

Q #3 Jim Henson

Jim Henson was an acclaimed puppeteer, film director, and television producer. Summarize his life and work.

Q #4 Tap Dancing

Tap is a style of dance. Summarize its history and characteristics.

Q #5 Synthesizers

A synthesizer is a musical instrument. Describe a synthesizer. Summarize how it is used by musical producers and song writers.

Q #6 Special Effects

Special effects are used to enhance movies. Describe special effects and summarize their history.

Q #7 Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein was a popular songwriter and author of children’s books. Summarize his most successful book, The Giving Tree.

Q #8 Andrew Lloyd-Webber

Andrew Lloyd-Webber is a composer. Summarize his life, including the titles of his major works.

Q #9 Authors

Literature can profoundly influence people’s lives. Briefly summarize the life and work of your favorite author.

Q #10 Caldecott & Newbery Medals

The Caldecott and Newbery Medals are used to recognize and reward excellence in children’s literature. Choose one of these awards and summarize information about it.


Q #1 Country & Rap Music

Country and rap are two popular types of music. Compare and contrast them, describing their origins and characteristics.

Q #2 Beauty & the Beast and The Lion King

Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King are two Broadway musicals based on movies. Compare and contrast them.

Q #3 Elvis Presley & B.B. King

The southern United States has produced many famous musicians including Elvis Presley and B.B. King. Compare and contrast these men’s lives, musical styles, and accomplishments.

Q #4 Johann Sebastian Bach & Ludwig van Beethoven

Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven were famous German composers. Compare and contrast their lives and works.

Q #5 Hawaiian & Native American Dance

A number of cultures use dance as a form of expression. Compare and contrast Hawaiian and Native American dance.

Q #6 Entertainment Awards

Emmy, Oscar, Tony, and Grammy are the names of four entertainment awards. Compare and contrast two of them.

Q #7 Peter Lik & Ansel Adams

Peter Lik is a landscape photographer, as was Ansel Adams. Compare and contrast these artists.

Q #8 Langston Hughes & Ralph Ellison

Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison were two African American authors of the 20th century. Compare and contrast their lives and literary contributions.

Q #9 The Smithsonian & Louvre Museums

The Smithsonian and the Louvre are two of the world’s largest museums. Compare and contrast them.

Q #10 The Thinker & Venus de Milo

The Thinker and Venus de Milo are the names of two famous sculptures. Compare and contrast them.


Q #1 J.K. Rowling & Stephanie Meyer

J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer are bestselling female authors. Describe and analyze the life and work of each. In your opinion, which of these authors would be the better writer of your biography? Defend your position.

Q #2 Dance

There are many types of dance. Define “dance.” Describe ballet and modern dance. Analyze their similarities and differences. In your opinion, which of these dances would be more entertaining to watch? Defend your position.

Q #3 Tennessee Williams & Arthur Miller

Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller were two American dramatists. Describe and analyze the life and work of each. In your opinion, which of these playwrights achieved greater success? Defend your position..

Q #4 Cubism & Impressionism

Cubism and Impressionism were artistic movements of the 19th and 20th centuries. Summarize these two art forms. Analyze their differences. In your opinion, which of these styles would hold the most appeal for people of the current century? Defend your position.

Q #5 Walt Disney

Walt Disney’s accomplishments are numerous and varied. Summarize three of his major contributions to entertainment. Describe and analyze one Disney film. In your opinion, which of this production’s characters is most relatable? Defend your position.

Q #6 Michelangelo & Leonardo da Vinci

Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were two famous artists. Summarize the life and career of each. Analyze the similarities and differences in their work. In your opinion, which of these artists’ work is more memorable? Defend your position.

Q #7 Frank Lloyd Wright & Frank Gehry

The architectural designs of Frank Lloyd Wright and Frank Gehry are well known. Summarize the work and philosophies of each. Analyze the differences in their methods and materials. In your opinion, which of these men had a greater influence on modern architecture? Defend your position.

Q #8 The Liberty Bell & Statue of Liberty

The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty are two American icons. Describe each in regard to its location, history, and construction. Analyze their significance as symbols. In your opinion, which symbol best represents America? Defend your position.

Q #9 The Mayan & Incan Civilizations

The Mayan and Incan civilizations were both mysterious and influential. Describe and analyze the artistic and architectural achievements of each. In your opinion, which of these cultures was more advanced? Defend your position.

Q #10 The Beatles & The Jackson 5

The Beatles and The Jackson 5 were two immensely successful musical groups. Identify their members. Describe the musical styles and accomplishments of each group. Analyze their similarities. In your opinion, which of these groups has had the greatest influence on the music of today? Defend your position.



Q #1 Continents

A continent is a large, continuous tract of land. Identify the number of continents on the earth and list them by name.

Q #2 The Amazon River

The Amazon is a river in South America. Identify two countries that lie along it and give its length.

Q #3 Peninsulas

A peninsula is an area of land almost completely surrounded by water. Locate two peninsulas in the United States.

Q #4 The Equator

The earth has an equator. Define equator and identify one continent that lies on it.

Q #5 The Great Lakes

The United States has five Great Lakes. Identify them.

Q #6 Oceans

Oceans make up nearly 70% of the earth’s surface. Define “ocean.” Identify the five oceans on the earth.

Q #7 Cartography

Cartography is an art. Define what a cartographer does.

Q #8 The Continental Divide

North America has a Continental Divide. Identify this area’s function and common name.

Q #9 Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is a famous tourist attraction. Identify its location and one of its characteristics.

Q #10 States

Most states in the U.S. are bordered by two or more other states. Locate the state that has only one other state on its border.


Q #1 Denali

The highest peak in North America is Mount Denali. Identify the location of this mountain and describe two of its characteristics.

Q #2 The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail was approximately 2,000 miles long. Identify the six present-day states it crossed and explain its purpose.

Q #3 Pyramids

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Explain what a pyramid is. Describe two characteristics of an Egyptian pyramid.

Q #4 Glaciers

Glaciers cover about 11% of the earth’s surface. Explain what a glacier is and describe how one is formed.

Q #5 Four Corners

The Four Corners is a region in the United States. Explain how this location got its name.

Q #6 Deforestation

The process of clearing forests is called deforestation. Identify one reason for deforestation and describe two negative effects it can have on the environment.

Q #7 Stalagmites

Stalagmites are often found in caves. Describe a stalagmite and explain how one is formed.

Q #8 Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is a memorial carved into a mountain. Name the presidents honored by this monument. Identify its designer and describe its location.

Q #9 Fort Knox

Fort Knox is considered one of the most valuable properties in the world. Identify its location and explain why it is considered so precious.

Q #10 Dams

A dam is a useful structure. Identify a famous dam and explain its purpose.


Q #1 Missouri Compromise

The Missouri Compromise was passed by the United States Congress in 1820. Summarize the purpose and outcomes of this agreement.

Q #2 Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase resulted in the expansion of the United States. Summarize this real estate deal. Identify its cost and locate the present-day states that were involved.

Q #3 Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park is in California. Summarize its history and describe some of its unique qualities.

Q #4 Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is one of the largest in North America. Identify its source and summarize its characteristics.

Q #5 Mount St. Helens

Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980. Summarize this event.

Q #6 Great Chicago Fire

The Great Chicago Fire occurred on October 8, 1871. Summarize this event. Explain how the fire started and was spread. Describe how this disaster affected the expansion of the city.

Q #7 Natural Resources

Natural resources are important to humans. Identify two natural resources and summarize the efforts that can be taken to conserve them.

Q #8 Wildfires

Wildfires are common in the southwestern United States. Describe a wildfire. Explain its causes and summarize the process used to extinguish it.

Q #9 Alaska

Alaska is often referred to as The Last Frontier. Define frontier. Summarize the physical and historical characteristics of Alaska that make this title so fitting.

Q #10 English & Hawaiian Languages

Many Hawaiian people speak both English and Hawaiian. Summarize the origin and characteristics of one of these languages.


Q #1 Countries

Countries differ in a number of ways. Choose two countries. Compare and contrast their geography, climates, populations, and cultures.

Q #2 American Deserts

There are four deserts in North America. Compare and contrast two in terms of their location, size, climate, and vegetation.

Q #3 Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C., is our nation’s capital. Compare and contrast it to the capital of your state in terms of its location, size, and history. Identify two points of interest in each city.

Q #4 Grand Canyon & The Badlands

The Grand Canyon of Arizona and the Badlands of South Dakota are tourist attractions. Compare and contrast their locations, formation, size, and land characteristics.

Q #5 Berlin Wall & Great Wall of China

The Berlin Wall and the Great Wall of China were considered architectural icons. Compare and contrast their locations, the reasons they were built, their structural characteristics, and their current status.

Q #6 Epidemic & Pandemic

The words epidemic and pandemic are related to disease. Compare and contrast the two. Provide examples of each and explain the role of geography in their management.

Q #7 California & Montana

Two of the largest states in the United States are California and Montana. Compare and contrast them as to their location, size, population, climate, and land characteristics.

Q #8 Massai Mara & Galapagos Islands

The Massai Mara and the Galapagos Islands are national parks. One is a game reserve, the other a nature reserve. Compare and contrast these two areas as to their purpose, location, physical geography, and wildlife.

Q #9 Dead Sea & Great Salt Lake

The Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake are two bodies of water in the Northern Hemisphere. Compare and contrast their locations and features.

Q #10 American Agriculture

Agriculture in the United States has changed significantly throughout the last few centuries. Compare and contrast farming in America prior to and after the Agricultural Revolution.


Q #1 Seattle & Phoenix

Seattle, Washington and Phoenix, Arizona are two cities in the western United States. Describe them in terms of their locations, populations, climates, and attractions. Analyze their differences. In your opinion, which of these cities would be most preferable to live in? Defend your position.

Q #2 Tornadoes & Hurricanes

Tornadoes and hurricanes occur more frequently in certain parts of the United States. Summarize the causes and characteristics of these weather events. Describe and analyze the geographical regions where they regularly occur. In your opinion, which of these storms is most destructive? Defend your position.

Q #3 Abraham Lincoln Memorials

Abraham Lincoln was U.S. President from 1861 to 1865. Describe the locations and characteristics of two landmarks or memorials dedicated to him. Analyze the reasons they were selected or built. In your opinion, which of them would be most interesting to visit? Defend your position.

Q #4 Earthquakes

Over the years, several earthquakes have occurred in North America. Describe two of these events. Analyze them in terms of their property damage and casualties. In your opinion, does the threat of earthquakes prevent people from moving to certain areas? Defend your position.

Q #5 Pony Express, Transcontinental Telegraph Line, & Transcontinental Railroad

Between 1860 and 1869, three forms of communication connected the United States. Summarize and analyze the purpose, origin, route, method, and period of use for the Pony Express, Transcontinental Telegraph Line, and Transcontinental Railroad. In your opinion, which of these had the greater impact on communication? Defend your position.

Q #6 Map-Making

Maps are important geographical tools. Summarize the history of map-making in the United States from the 1600s to the 1900s. Describe the use and features of an atlas and a road map. Analyze their similarities and differences. In your opinion, which of these maps is most practical? Defend your position.

Q #7 City Planners & National Park Rangers

Geography is a field of scientific study. City planners and national park rangers are two professionals that work in this field. Summarize and analyze the educational requirements, job responsibilities, and salaries of these two careers. In your opinion, which is most interesting? Defend your position.

Q #8 Indonesian Tsunami & Hurricane Katrina

Natural disasters can result in the significant loss of life and property. Two such disasters were an Indonesian tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Describe each event. Analyze their outcomes. In your opinion, which was the most horrific? Defend your position.

Q #9 Snow Skiing & Surfing

Snow skiing and surfing are recreational forms of entertainment. Describe each sport. Analyze the geographical conditions required for these activities. In your opinion, which of these sports is most popular? Defend your position.

Q #10 Third World Countries

Third World countries are often the least developed and most populated. Identify two Third World countries. Describe their geography, culture, population, and living conditions. Analyze their similarities and differences. In your opinion, why do so many people live in these countries? Defend your position.



Q #1 Communicable Diseases

Influenza and malaria are communicable diseases. Define communicable.

Q #2 Software & Hardware

Computer systems have both software and hardware. Define these terms.

Q #3 Types of Science

Botany, geology, anthropology, and pharmacology are four types of science. Choose one and define its purpose.

Q #4 The Human Body

The human body has eleven major organ systems. Identify three of these.

Q #5 Inventions

The invention of the elevator, the sewing machine, and the refrigerator helped to make life easier for humans. Choose one of these inventions. Identify what the invention is used for, and one person associated with its development.

Q #6 Vertebrates

There are several known categories of vertebrates. Define vertebrate and identify its classes.

Q #7 Astronomy

Edwin Hubble was a famous astronomer. Define “astronomy.”

Q #8 Weather

Weather affects our daily l Weather affects our daily lives. Define “weather.” ives. Define “weather.”

Q #9 Internet & World Wide Web

The Internet and the World Wide Web are thought to be the same thing, but they are different. Define these terms.

Q #10 UV Rays

Ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun. Identify one beneficial use for, and one harmful effect of, exposure to UV rays.


Q #1 Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota is world famous. Identify the people who founded it and describe its model of care.

Q #2 Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef lies along the northeastern coast of Australia. Describe the reef and its formation. Identify two of its species.

Q #3 Fish

Fish have the rare ability to breathe under water. Explain how they are able to do this.

Q #4 Earth's Layers

Planet Earth is made up of three layers. Name these layers in order, from the center of the earth to its surface. Describe the outermost layer.

Q #5 The Ozone Layer

The ozone layer protects the earth from the heat of the sun. Explain why a hole in this layer is a potential danger to the earth’s environment.

Q #6 Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks

Patents, copyrights, and trademarks all help to protect inventors’ ideas and products. Explain how they are different.

Q #7 Hereditary Traits

A person’s traits are determined by his or her heredity. Explain how genes are involved in this process and identify one hereditary trait.

Q #8 Lasers

The first laser was constructed in 1960. Identify what the letters LASER stand for. Describe two ways lasers are used.

Q #9 Latitude & Longitude

A world map or globe has lines of latitude and longitude. Explain the purpose of each.

Q #10 Barometers

A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. Explain how the rising or falling of a barometer helps predict the weather.


Q #1 Dinosaurs

Triceratops, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus Rex were four types of dinosaurs that roamed the earth millions of years ago. Choose one and summarize its habitat, physical characteristics, and diet.

Q #2 Animal Adaptation

Adaptation is the process by which an animal changes to survive in its environment. Choose an animal that adapts. Summarize the altered physical or behavioral characteristics that help it to meet the demands of its habitat.

Q #3 DNA

DNA is often used in the identification of people. Define DNA. Summarize its discovery and modern-day uses.

Q #4 Calendars

A calendar is a tool used for planning and remembering important events. Identify the name of the calendar used in the United States. Summarize its history and purpose.

Q #5 Alexander Fleming & Paul Ehrlich

Both Alexander Fleming and Paul Ehrlich identified methods for treating illness and disease. Summarize their careers and medical contributions.

Q #6 Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis results in the production of oxygen. Summarize this process and its importance.

Q #7 Fireworks

Holidays and celebrations often involve fireworks displays. Summarize the manufacture of fireworks. Explain what makes them colorful, and why and how they are regulated by law.

Q #8 Microwave

The microwave oven and optical microscope are two inventions whose names contain the prefix micro-. Define micro- and describe these inventions. Summarize how they work and the ways in which they are used.

Q #9 Hail

Hail is a natural phenomenon that can cause significant damage. Describe hail and summarize the process by which it forms.

Q #10 Roller Coasters

Many people enjoy roller coasters. Describe a roller coaster and how it works. Summarize the history and development of this thrill ride.


Q #1 George Washington Carver & Norman Ernest Borlaug

George Washington Carver and Norman Ernest Borlaug both impacted the field of agriculture. Compare and contrast their scientific achievements.

Q #2 Thomas A. Edison & Alexander G. Bell

Thomas A. Edison and Alexander G. Bell contributed greatly to our modern society. Compare and contrast these men and their inventions.

Q #3 The Human Brain

Scientific research has found the human brain to have areas of specialized function. Compare and contrast the structure and functions of the cerebrum and brain stem.

Q #4 Photography

Photographs help us to document and preserve history. Compare and contrast early and modern photography, and summarize the development of cameras and camera equipment over time.

Q #5 Plantets

There are said to be eight planets in our solar system. Name each of these planets in their order from the sun. Compare and contrast the features of two.

Q #6 Space Exploration

Both man and machines have been used for space exploration. Describe manned and unmanned space exploration. Compare and contrast their advantages and disadvantages.

Q #7 Going Green

To “go green” is to become environmentally responsible. Identify two strategies people can use to protect the environment. Compare and contrast their advantages and disadvantages.

Q #8 Earth's Atmosphere

The earth’s atmosphere is made up of five layers. Identify these layers. Compare and contrast the characteristics of two.

Q #9 Energy Sources

Our world is supplied with many renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. Describe the production and development of hydropower (a renewable source) and petroleum (a non-renewable source). Compare and contrast their advantages and disadvantages.

Q #10 Air & Water Pollution

There are many types of pollution. Compare and contrast air and water pollution, describing their effects on people.


Q #1 Neil Armstrong & Charles Lindbergh, Jr

Neil Armstrong and Charles Lindbergh, Jr. were two famous American pilots. Describe and analyze their careers and accomplishments. In your opinion, which man had a greater impact on aviation? Defend your position.

Q #2 Rainforest

Many people believe that the future of tropical rainforests is in jeopardy. Summarize and analyze the importance of rainforests, the threats they face, and the methods being used to preserve them. In your opinion, have attempts to save rainforests been successful? Defend your position.

Q #3 Edward Jenner & Jonas Salk

Edward Jenner and Jonas Salk both developed vaccines. Describe and analyze their individual contributions to medicine. In your opinion, which man’s work had the greatest medical impact?

Q #4 Volcanoes

Volcanoes have been erupting for millions of years. Summarize the formation and eruption of volcanoes. Describe and analyze the pros and cons of volcanic eruptions. In your opinion, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Defend your position.

Q #5 Nobel Prize in Science

The Nobel Prize in Science recognizes excellence and achievement in the areas of chemistry, physics, and medicine. Describe and analyze the achievements of two Americans who have won this award. In your opinion, which person’s contributions made the greatest impact on society? Defend your position.

Q #6 Organ Donation

Organ donation saves thousands of lives each year. Summarize organ donation and transplant. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each process for both donors and recipients. In your opinion, is the donation of organs worthwhile? Defend your position.

Q #7 Endangered Species

Some species of animals are endangered. Define an “endangered species” and list three examples. Summarize and analyze the reasons animals become extinct and the measures being taken to save them. In your opinion, does the world need to do a better job of protecting and preserving animals? Defend your position.

Q #8 Nutrition

The United States Department of Agriculture created the website Choose and its MyPlate icon to help people maintain proper nutrition. Summarize the prevalence of obesity in America. Describe the diet recommended by the USDA and analyze its similarities to your own. In your opinion, will this tool help people to live longer, healthier lives? Defend your position.

Q #9 Prosthetics

Prosthetics help many people to enjoy fuller, more active lives. Describe what these devices are and identify two people who have them. Analyze the impact these technologies have had on each person’s life or career. In your opinion, would these people’s lives be the same without them? Defend your position.

Q #10 Science & Technology Careers

The fields of science and technology offer a variety of interesting career choices. Summarize the duties, responsibilities, and educational requirements of two. Analyze their advantages and disadvantages. In your opinion, which of these careers is most interesting? Defend your position.



Q #1 US Presidents

One of the states in the United States has been nicknamed the mother of presidents. Locate this state and identify two of the presidents who were born there.

Q #2 Malcolm X

Malcolm X was a human rights activist. Identify his birth name and place.

Q #3 Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks changed the course of history for African Americans through a single deed of defiance. Identify this act and locate the city where it took place.

Q #4 Noah Webster

Noah Webster was a leading lexicographer. Identify his most famous work.

Q #5 Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse was a Native American leader. Identify the location of the memorial carved in his honor.

Q #6 The Academy Awards

Each year, an Academy Award is given to both a leading actor and actress, for his and her performance in a motion picture. Identify the year this award was first given and the first actor and actress to receive it.

Q #7 Prime Minister of England

A prime minister is the head of a branch of government. Identify the current prime minister of England.

Q #8 Canada & Mexico

The United States is bordered by both Canada and Mexico. Identify the leaders of these two nations.

Q #9 Nancy Pelosi

In 2010, Nancy Pelosi was said to be the highest-ranking female politician in American history. Identify the political party that she is a member of and the most important office she has held.

Q #10 California's Governor

The 38th governor of the state of California was known for several other accomplishments. Identify him and list two of his non-political achievements.


Q #1 Medgar Evers

Medgar Evers was a civil rights activist. Describe one of his accomplishments and explain how he died.

Q #2 Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg is an actress, comedienne, and activist. Describe three of her accomplishments.

Q #3 Hank Aaron

Henry “Hank” Aaron was considered one of baseball’s greatest players. Describe two things that made him unique.

Q #4 Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II has been the ruler of the United Kingdom since 1952. Explain her rise to power and describe her role as Queen.

Q #5 Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was a politician and author. Briefly describe his role in World War II.

Q #6 Jimmy Carter

Former United States President Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Describe the work he did to receive this award.

Q #7 Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was a well-known labor leader. Explain how his efforts helped secure rights for migrant farm workers.

Q #8 Eunice Kenneday Shriver

Members of the Kennedy family have been known for their political and humanitarian efforts. Describe Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s involvement with the Special Olympics.

Q #9 Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro was the president of Cuba until 2008. Explain his rise to power.

Q #10 John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller was an American businessman. Briefly describe his life.


Q #1 Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass was considered one of America’s greatest heroes. Summarize his life and accomplishments.

Q #2 General George S. Patton

General George S. Patton said, “Always do everything you ask of those you command.” Summarize the characteristics that made him a successful leader.

Q #3 U.S. President Requirements

A person must meet several requirements in order to run for the office of United States President. Summarize these requirements.

Q #4 Richard Branson

Richard Branson is a self-made billionaire. Summarize his education, work, leisure activities, and charitable contributions.

Q #5 The Wright Brothers

Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers and inventors. Summarize their work and describe how it revolutionized transportation.

Q #6 Cassius Clay

Cassius Clay is a distinguished athlete. Identify the name he is known by and summarize his accomplishments.

Q #7 Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie was a wealthy businessman who used his fortune for good. Summarize his contributions to society.

Q #8 George Lucas

George Lucas became a leader in the motion picture industry. Summarize his career and describe one of his movies.

Q #9 Jane Addams

Jane Addams was one of the most influential women in American history. Summarize her life, including her endeavors to help those in need.

Q #10 Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was an important civil rights leader. Summarize her efforts to improve life for women.


Q #1 Sir Isaac Newton & Galileo Galilei

Sir Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei were astronomers who made important scientific discoveries. Compare and contrast them.

Q #2 Albert Einstein & Stephen Hawking

Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking could both be considered geniuses. Compare and contrast their lives, and the contributions they made to their fields.

Q #3 Warren Buffett & Sam Walton

Warren Buffett is a successful American businessman, as was Sam Walton. Compare and contrast their achievements.

Q #4 Henry Ford & Lee Iacocca

Henry Ford and Lee Iacocca were both moguls in the automobile industry. Compare and contrast their lives and accomplishments.

Q #5 Father Flanagan & Mother Teresa

Father Edward J. Flanagan and Mother Teresa could both be considered agents of change. Compare and contrast them and their work.

Q #6 Barack Obama & Kofi Annan

Barack Obama and Kofi Annan are thought of as political pioneers. Compare and contrast them.

Q #7 Tecumseh & Geronimo

Tecumseh and Geronimo were distinguished Native Americans. Compare and contrast their roles as leaders.

Q #8 Jackie Robinson & Tiger Woods

Jackie Robinson and Tiger Woods can be considered groundbreaking athletes. Compare and contrast their athletic achievements and the impact they had on their individual sports.

Q #9 Mahatma Gandhi & Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were both well-known political activists. Compare and contrast their lives and accomplishments.

Q #10 Bill Gates & Steve Jobs

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are considered icons in the technology industry. Compare and contrast their contributions.


Q #1 Artists

Musicians, dancers, playwrights, painters, and sculptors are all artists. Describe and analyze the lives, works, and inspirations of two artists. In your opinion, which talent is the most admirable? Defend your position.

Q #2 Civil Rights Leaders

During the 1950s and 1960s, several civil rights leaders emerged. Describe and analyze the lives and accomplishments of two activists from this period. In your opinion, which leader had a greater impact on the fight for equality? Defend your position.

Q #3 Professional Athletes

Professional athletes are both experts and role models. Summarize the lives and accomplishments of two sports leaders. Describe and analyze their influence on others. In your opinion, which individual used his or her celebrity status most responsibly? Defend your position.

Q #4 Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur is a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money. Describe and analyze the lives and accomplishments of two entrepreneurs. In your opinion, which of them is more likely to succeed? Defend your position.

Q #5 Native American Chiefs

The leader of a Native American tribe is often given the title of chief. Describe and analyze two chiefs in terms of their leadership. In your opinion, which chief left the greatest legacy? Defend your position.

Q #6 Foreign World Leaders

Kings, queens, and presidents are all considered world leaders. Summarize the lives and contributions of two current or previous foreign world leaders. Describe and analyze the policies of one. In your opinion, did this leader’s actions, in any way, impact citizens of the United States? Defend your position.

Q #7 Scientific Discoveries

Throughout history, scientists have made a number of vital medical and technical discoveries. Summarize the lives of two scientists. Describe and analyze the scientific contributions of each. In your opinion, which scientist’s work has had the greatest impact on your life? Defend your position.

Q #8 Pop-Culture Icons

Many famous people have made positive contributions to society. Describe the lives and careers of two pop-culture icons. Analyze the ways they’ve used their fame to help others. In your opinion, which of these individuals is most interesting and praiseworthy? Defend your position.

Q #9 Supreme Court Justices

Throughout history, Supreme Court Justices have worked to uphold the law and defend the United States Constitution. Describe the educational backgrounds and careers of two current or former justices. Analyze one landmark case associated with each. In your opinion, were the decisions made in each case wise? Defend your position.

Q #10 World War II Leaders

Between 1939 and 1945, several political and military figures rose to power. Summarize the lives and military careers of two World War II leaders. Analyze their wartime contributions. In your opinion, which of these leaders had a greater impact on the war’s outcome? Defend your position.



Q #1 Democracy

The United States is a democratic nation. Define democracy.

Q #2 Domestic & Foreign Policies

The United States government has both domestic and foreign policies. Define the terms “policy,” “domestic,” and “foreign.”

Q #3 Discrimination

Several laws have been established to reduce discrimination in America. Define “discrimination.”

Q #4 Impeachment

The impeachment of a U.S. President has occurred more than once in United States history. Define “impeachment.” Name the presidents who have been impeached.

Q #5 U.S. Constitution

The United States Constitution is an old and valuable document. Identify its current location.

Q #6 Economy

The United States economy is one of the largest in the world. Define “economy.”

Q #7 Veto Power

The President of the United States has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress. Define “veto.”

Q #8 Senior Advisors to the President

The United States President is supported by a group of senior advisors. Identify the name given to this group and the title of one of its members.

Q #9 The President's Residence

The President of the United States lives in the nation’s capital. Identify the names given to his or her residence and office.

Q #10 Supreme Court

The United States has a Supreme Court. Identify the number of justices that make up this governing body and the person(s) responsible for their appointment.


Q #1 Three Branches of Government

The United States government has three main branches. Identify each branch and briefly describe its function.

Q #2 The U.N.

The United States is a member of the UN. Define what these letters stand for. Identify the year this organization was established and explain its main purpose.

Q #3 Term Lengths

Government officials serve different terms in office. Define a “term.” Describe the difference in term lengths for U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives.

Q #4 Second Amendment

The 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution relates to the president. Briefly explain the purpose of this amendment.

Q #5 Taxation

United States citizens are responsible for paying taxes. Define “taxation.” Describe two ways tax money is used.

Q #6 State of the Union Address

Every year, the President of the United States delivers a State of the Union Address. Describe what this is and explain its purpose.

Q #7 Social Programs

The United States government provides assistance to its citizens in need through several social programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, and Welfare. Describe one of these programs.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 resulted in the creation of the EEOC. Identify the full name of this organization and describe its purpose.

Q #9 First Amendment

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “With freedom comes responsibility.” Describe one of the freedoms granted by the First Amendment and explain why it must be limited.

Q #10 Monopolies

The United States government places restrictions on monopolies. Describe a monopoly and two of its negative effects.


Q #1 Americans with Disabilities Act

ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Summarize this law.

Q #2 Taxes

There are four basic kinds of taxes in the United States: income tax, excise tax, sales tax, and property tax. Summarize one of them.

Q #3 Jim Crow Laws

The Jim Crow laws were enacted between 1876 and 1965. Summarize the effects these laws had on African Americans.

Q #4 Speaker of the House

One of the most powerful positions in the United States government is the Speaker of the House. Summarize the duties of this post.

Q #5 Checks and Balances

Checks and balances help to limit and distribute power in the United States government. Summarize this principle and how it is used.

Q #6 Propoganda

Propaganda is a type of communication. Define propaganda. Summarize its role in government.

Q #7 Succession

If the United States President is unable to perform his or her duties, these responsibilities must be assumed by another. Summarize presidential succession and identify the number of times it has been used in American history.

Q #8 Democratic and Republican Parties

There are two traditional powers in American politics: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Choose one of these and summarize it in terms of its history, symbols, beliefs, voter statistics, and current representation.

Q #9 Fiscal Policy

During times of economic hardship, the United States government has had to use fiscal policy to stabilize the American economy and provide stimulus to its citizens. Summarize fiscal policy and identify one way the United States government has used it.

Q #10 Lobbyists

A lobbyist is a person who advocates for individual, public, or corporate interests. Explain the purpose for lobbying and summarize the methods used by lobbyists.


Q #1 Articles of Confederation & U.S. Constitution

The initial organization and regulation of the United States government was dictated by two documents. Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution.

Q #2 Franklin D. Roosevelt & Gerald Ford

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Gerald Ford both served as president during difficult times in America’s history. Compare and contrast their presidencies, describing the crises they faced and how they handled these situations.

Q #3 Bicameral & Unicameral Legislatures

The United States has a bicameral legislature, while other countries have unicameral legislatures. Compare and contrast these two types of governments, providing examples of each.

Q #4 Criminal & Civil Courts

There are different types of courts in the United States. Compare and contrast criminal and civil courts. Describe the types of cases they hear, how their cases are decided, and the penalties that they issue.

Q #5 The Founding Fathers

The Founding Fathers of the United States were intelligent, insightful men. Identify two of them. Compare and contrast their roles in the framing of the Constitution.

Q #6 Popular & Electoral Votes

Two types of votes are important in determining the winner of an election. Compare and contrast a popular vote and an electoral vote.

Q #7 Health Care Systems

Health care systems vary widely from country to country. Compare and contrast the private health (managed care) insurance offered in the United States and the public, government-sponsored, health care offered in Canada.

Q #8 American Movements

During its history, America has experienced movements of nationalism, sectionalism, isolationism, and imperialism. Compare and contrast two of these attitudes, giving specific examples of each.

Q #9 Legislative Branch

Two chambers make up the legislative branch of the United States government. Compare and contrast the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Q #10 Petit & Grand Juries

The United States court system has two main types of juries. Compare and contrast the history, size, and function of petit and grand juries.



NASA is an acronym for the name of a government agency. Identify what these letters stand for. Summarize and analyze the history and accomplishments of this agency from its origin to the present day. In your opinion, should the American government continue to spend millions of dollars to fund space exploration? Defend your position.

Q #2 Harry Truman's Attacks on Japan

In 1945, President Harry Truman ordered attacks on two Japanese cities. Identify the weapons used in these attacks. Explain when, where, and why these weapons were chosen. Describe and analyze the outcomes of the president’s decision. In your opinion, was his course of action necessary? Defend your position.

Q #3 Affirmative Action

In the 20th Century, the Civil Rights and Suffrage Movements urged equality for African Americans and women. Today, affirmative action policies provide equal opportunities for minorities. Define “affirmative action.” Summarize and analyze its benefits and consequences. In your opinion, are these policies fair? Defend your position.

Q #4 Vietnam & Iraq Wars

The American government’s role in foreign affairs has at times been controversial. Describe the involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War and the War in Iraq. Summarize and analyze the public’s attitude toward both. In your opinion, should America offer military aid to other countries? Defend your position.

Q #5 Scandals

Throughout history, scandal has negatively affected the American people’s confidence in their elected officials. Define “scandal.” Summarize the events and outcomes of the Watergate scandal. Analyze a more recent government scandal. In your opinion, were these issues dealt with effectively? Defend your position.

Q #6 New Deal

During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal. Explain the New Deal and its programs. Summarize and analyze its advantages and disadvantages. In your opinion, are programs like these necessary? Defend your position.

Q #7 Dictatorships

American citizens have a strong voice in their government, but citizens of some other countries do not. Define democracy and dictatorship. Identify a country that is governed by a dictator. Analyze how its resident’s lives differ from those in the United States. In your opinion, are there benefits to living under a dictatorship? Defend your position.

Q #8 FBI, CIA, & NSA

The FBI, CIA, and NSA are three government agencies responsible for protecting the United States and its citizens. Identify the full names of these organizations. Describe and analyze the history and primary responsibilities of two. In your opinion, which of these agencies would be most interesting to work for?

Q #9 Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is part of the United States Constitution. Describe the function of these amendments. Summarize and analyze two of them and the situations to which they apply. In your opinion, which of these is the most important? Defend your position.

Q #10 U.S. Presidents

Current and past presidents alike have greatly influenced our government. Summarize the lives and careers of two United States Presidents. Analyze the policies of one. In your opinion, how did this president’s beliefs or actions impact your life? Defend your position.